Introduction to Apiculture

Εισαγωγή στη μελισσοκομία

Boka’s interview on “Antenna Star Radio FM 103.5”, with answers to everything we need to know about bees and honey.

After all, what is honey and how exactly is produced? Is it really a superfood? Does it have an expiration date? What we should be aware of when we buy it? What do we need to know about its maintenance? When does it loses its nutrients? Is honey a medicine?

Furthermore, what is the structure and the organization of a bee community? what are the consequences to the planet if bees disappear? Is this possible? What is the role of the queen, the drone, and the workers and why guards exist in the hive?

These and many other questions occupied the show “On the Horizon of Events” by Fotis Berikos, with the guest beekeeper Mr. George Boka.

Listen to the full interview on “Antenna Star Radio FM 103.5”:


Honey is probably the only real superfood on the planet, due to the abundance of nutrients that contains!

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